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Tonight I found myself writing to a student who has a very busy "life schedule" to maintain and frequently feels life is a "juggling act"......

Do you feel like this at times? 

In today's modern "hi tech and fast moving paced world" its very easy to get absorbed in the chaos of daily life - and quite an "art" to find that breathing space......

But just think about the word "juggle" itself. Have you ever seen a Juggler "in action"? They are very calm when they are juggling, very precise and have perfect timing. Within their "juggling act" they are still in control - juggling isn't controlling them...... They maintain deep focus while they are juggling and stay relaxed.

So how can we echo the Juggler in action? Maintain "calmness within the chaos of daily life"?......

First of all play around with words. What is the first word to come into your Mind which is totally OPPOSITE to "juggling"?  As an example think of "frenzy" and "calm" are opposite to each other.  What word suits you best to see as the opposite to "juggling"? 

When you have chosen your opposite word to "juggling" spend a few minutes thinking about what that word really means to you. For instance, if you think of "frenzy and calm" - you could be picturing someone frowning, looking hurried, over-stretched, and then you could picture that same person (you.....) feeling calm, breathing nice and slowly, smiling, unrushed and with a feeling that "time is expanding" for you.

Now think about the "mid line" between the two. You need a touch of "frenzy" - just a little - just enough to create energy to move forward WITH CLEAR FOCUS - and that energy comes with a CALMNESS OF SPIRIT. We only need to bring a tiny part of "frenzy" into "calmness" - and then we have the perfect balance - the balance the Juggler uses. "Frenzy" (or whatever word you choose) is very powerful - we don't want to totally ignore it - but we want to use it FOR US - rather than against us...... Too much frenzy makes us feel life is nothing more than a daily juggling act to meet all our targets - too much calmness means we just may not have enough energy to propel ourselves forward anyway.

The Juggler understands that equal balance is necessary to perform his amazing Juggling Act - he puts enough energy into his Act to maintain it - but with a Calmness of Spirit to execute it while maintaing deep focus..... . 

Whenever you feel "cornered by Time" and feel you are living a life of juggling -  seek the perfect balance. It DOES exist for us all - but its very easy to get immersed in the daily "rush" of life. Remember though that in the end its YOUR Life - and its a very precious Gift isn't it...... don't let it just rush by ....... If the Juggler can do it - we all can.......

Thanks for sharing this time with us.....

Liz at Panetta Healing